Prof. David Lametti, as well as alums Catherine McKenna and Marc Miller, have been named to the new federal cabinet. Plus an opinion letter from Anthony Morgan; Shahir Guindi is the new chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal; Brian Gallant is named special adviser to Ryerson University’s president; and Alex Dobrota is the Jeune Barreau’s Lawyer of the year.
Former N.B. premier Brian Gallant maintains innovation involvement at Ryerson
Peter Moreira, The Chronicle Herald, 27 November 2019
After being elected premier of New Brunswick, Brian Gallant (LLM’11) gave himself the job of minister of innovation within his cabinet, and today he’s continuing that focus in a new role. After being out of office for almost a year, Gallant last month was named a special adviser to the president of Toronto’s Ryerson University, focusing on innovation, cybersecurity and law. He was also selected as an entrepreneur in residence specializing in government relations at the Ryerson accelerator, the DMZ. Read more…
Black Canadians sidelined from cannabis economy
Anthony Morgan (BCL/LLB’12), Policy Options Politiques, 26 November 2019
Now, more than a year since legalization, with the market about to move into its second phase with the introduction of edibles, I’m pleased to see that there is progress. There has been a notable change in the volume of Black voices and interests in our country’s cannabis conversations, and that involvement and influence of Black perspectives has been meaningful. However, with the exception of some shining examples, the interests of Canada’s communities of African descent have largely remained sidelined, secondary or silent in mainstream conversations on cannabis legalization in Canada. Some things have changed, but many largely remain the same.
Keep reading…
‘A good time to be in business in Montreal,’ says new Chamber chair
Frederic Tomesco, Montreal Gazette, 24 November 2019
Influential business lawyer Shahir Guindi (BCL’89, LLB’89) is the new chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal for 2019-2020. At the Chamber, a business association that traces its roots back to 1822, he joins a list that includes such illustrious names as Peter Redpath, the philanthropist and former McGill University governor; Esdras Minville, the first French Canadian to head the HEC Montréal business school; CGI Group Inc. founder Serge Godin; and dealmaker Jacques Ménard, who spent decades as Bank of Montreal’s point man for Quebec.
Read the full interview.
Les 8 « Avocats JBM de l’année 2019 » sont dévoilés!
Jeune Barreau de Montréal, 22 novembre 2019
Le Jeune Barreau de Montréal (JBM) annonce fièrement les huit lauréats au titre d’« Avocat JBM de l’année 2019 » dévoilés hier lors de la 13e édition du Gala du JBM « Les leaders de demain ». Bodgan-Alexandru Dobrota (BCL/LLB’10) a été nommé « Avocat JBM de l’année 2019 » dans la Catégorie Litige civil et commercial.
Lire la suite…
Forte présence de la communauté juridique de McGill au sein du nouveau cabinet fédéral du Canada
Nouvelles de la Faculté, 21 novembre 2019
La Faculté de droit est ravie de célébrer la nomination de trois de nos diplôme.e.s au 29e Cabinet fédéral le 20 novembre 2019. Il s’agit de David Lametti, CP, MP, QC, BCL’89, LLB’89 (Justice & procureur général), Catherine McKenna, CP, MP, LLB’99 (Infrastructure & Collectivités) et Marc Miller CP, MP, BCL’01, LLB’01 (Services aux Autochtones).
« Je suis fier de voir autant de talents émanant de la communauté juridique mcgilloise au service du pays au sein du cabinet fédéral, a déclaré le doyen Robert Leckey. Ces diplômé.e.s perpétuent notre forte tradition de service public. »
Lire l’annonce.
L’affaire Dreyfus: « Le triomphe de la vérité »
Yves Boisvert, La Presse+, 16 novembre 2019
Jean-Louis Baudouin (BCL’58, LLD’07) se penche sur une énorme pile de feuilles. L’écriture est presque illisible. Il suit la première ligne du doigt. Puis il lit à voix haute les mots de son arrière-grand-père: « C’est avec une très vive émotion que j’aborde ce débat… » Ainsi s’ouvrait, en mars 1904, le réquisitoire historique du procureur Manuel-Achille Baudouin devant la Cour de cassation, plus haute instance judiciaire de France.
Lire la suite...