Retour en photos sur la collation des grades

Le 29 mai, la Faculté de droit a célébré la fin des études des membres de la promotion 2024 au Centre Bell, avant...
17 June 2024

Ignacio Cofone shortlisted for 2023 Donner Prize

"The Privacy Fallacy: Harm and Power in the Information Economy" by Professor Ignacio Cofone is one of five titles shortlisted for the Donner...
11 April 2024

Teaching Snapshot – Rosalie Jukier

Rosalie Jukier, BCL’83, LLB’83, is a full professor at the Faculty of Law, which she joined in 1985. She teaches civil law and...
2 January 2024

A hub for 2SLGBTQ+ scholarship and engagement

Recent philanthropic initiatives have bolstered student engagement towards 2SLGBTQ+ justice at McGill Law.
3 March 2023

First-year cohort kicks off semester with client interaction intensive course

For their winter integration week, students took part in an intensive three-day course on working with vulnerable clients, offered in collaboration with instructors...
3 February 2023

Nouvelles embauches professorales

Trois personnes sont venues joindre les rangs facultaires en 2022-2023, apportant de l’expertise en droit administratif et algorithmes de prise de décisions, en...
19 January 2023

Learning law from the land, on the land

This summer, 14 law students headed to Winnipeg to enjoy an unprecedented educational experience with Professor Aaron Mills: a four-week field study course...
11 December 2022

Une honorable visite

Le 22 septembre, la Faculté de droit a eu le plaisir d’accueillir de nouveau l’honorable Mahmud Jamal, BCL’93, LLB’93, en partenariat avec l’Association...
9 December 2022

Law, Life, and the Teaching of Legal History – Essays in Honour of G. Blaine Baker

On October 6, the Faculty hosted the book launch for a monograph examining important themes in Canadian legal history through the prism of...
9 December 2022

Encouraging words from the Supreme Court

This fall, McGill Law students enjoyed the unique opportunity to meet three sitting judges of the Supreme Court of Canada who have previously...
7 December 2022

Book launch: “Building Justice: Frank Iacobucci and the Life Cycles of Law,” by Professor Shauna Van Praagh

Frank Iacobucci likes to tell the story of three workers. Asked what they were doing, the first replied, “I’m cutting stone.” The second...
13 October 2022

Students and alumni meet over coffee

(Photo album) To kick off the new semester, the Faculty of Law invited law alumni and students to enjoy coffee from a local...
6 October 2022

La rentrée 2022 en photos

“Whatever energizes you, it’s a wonderful moment to continue or start a legal education. The world needs intelligent, creative, and skilled problem solvers...
6 October 2022

The art of the impossible

At the Law spring convocation ceremony, honorary degree recipient James (Sa’ke’j) Youngblood Henderson, FRSC, LLD'22, encouraged the class of 2022 to always "dare...
17 June 2022