What better way to kick off the new academic year than free coffee? On the morning of 8 September, the Faculty of Law treated local law alumni and students to beverages and snacks from the Baluchon Café Pâtisserie coffee truck. It was the opportunity for many to catch up with their classmates, meet Dean Robert Leckey and some of their professors, and chat with law alumni. The team of the Career Development Office was also in attendance to provide more information about the Faculty’s alumni mentorship program. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made this event a resounding success!
Photos by Owen Egan / Joni Dufour
Diplômé.e.s en droit, venez prendre un café avec nous le 21 octobre entre 8 h 30 et 10 h 30 pour célébrer les Retrouvailles ! Rendez-vous dans le rond-point devant le pavillon Chancellor-Day. Après votre pause-café, restez des nôtres pour profiter d’une visité guidée de la Faculté et entamer les retrouvailles avec vos collègues de classe et vos professeur.e.s.