Le 31 mai dernier, sous un soleil printanier resplendissant, l’Université McGill a présenté un doctorat honorifique à l’honorable Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré, première Afro-Canadienne à avoir été nommée juge dans l’histoire du Québec, et première doyenne afro-canadienne d’une faculté de droit au pays.
The ceremony was also the occasion for Professor Rosalie Jukier to receive the John W. Durnford Teaching Excellence Award. This completes the tour du chapeau for Professor Jukier, who also received the award in 2004 and 2016, in addition to winning the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2010. As former law dean Professor Daniel Jutras pointed out in his introduction, only one other professor, now retired, has won the award three times in the history of the Faculty.
Les étudiants et étudiantes de la promotion 2018 ont ensuite traversé l’estrade pour recevoir leur grade durement mérité, avant que leur camarade Susan Humphrey leur adresse un discours d’adieu inscrit sous le signe de l’engagement. Pour conclure la cérémonie, le doyen Robert Leckey a dispensé ses derniers conseils aux membres de la promotion 2018, et leur a souhaité la bienvenue dans la vibrante communauté internationale des diplômés et diplômées de la Faculté (lisez son discours [.pdf])
The new alumni then headed to McGill’s Faculty Club to celebrate with their colleagues and guests. Our sincere congratulations to the Class of 2018, we hope to see you again soon!
(cliquez pour aggrandir une photo)
(on trouvera d’autres photos dans le McGill Reporter)
Album photo de la cérémonie
Law runs in the Ton-That family!
Lining up in Redpath Hall
DCL recipients Lee Black and Lukas Vanhonnaeker
The procession begins
Faculty members and University officials line up in front of the Arts Building
Faculty members and University officials line up in front of the Arts Building
The Hon. Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré
Professor Kirsten Anker was one of the marshalls
The University Mace
A wonderful gathering
Principal Suzanne Fortier addresses the class, along with family and friends
Professor Daniel Jutras presents Professor Rosalier Jukier
Professor Rosalie Jukier receiving the Durnford Award
The Hon. Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré giving the Convocation Address
Many members of The Hon. Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré’s family were in attendance
The Hon. Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré
Sue Humphrey gave this year’s Valedictorian Address
Dean Leckey gave the closing speech
Behind the scenes: after students cross the stage, they receive their diplomas
Mingling after the ceremony
Professor Ram Jakhu (centre) with DCL candidate Maria Manoli and friends
Dean Robert Leckey and Oleg Stratiev, BCL/LLB’18
Sajeda Hedaraly, BCL/LLB’18, and Professor Johanne Poirier
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
Graduants often receive flowers and other fun gifts!
So many smiles in the crowd
Former classmates congratulate each other
Proud families gather for photos
Naira Toker, BCL/LLB’18, was all smiles
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
Proud families gather for photos
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
Proud families gather for photos
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
Lots of excitement in the air
Proud families gather for photos
After the ceremony, students, friends, family and faculty members mingled
Proud families gather for photos
And perhaps this dapper young man will apply to the Faculty of Law in a few years?
Album photo de la réception
Photos de la collation des grades: Lysanne Larose, Owen Egan, Joni Dufour.
Photos de la réception: Nicolas Morin.
Article publié la première fois le 5 juin 2018.