On Saturday, 25 September, law students cycled 50 kilometres as part of the 13th annual Christie Community Bike Ride in support of the First Peoples Justice Centre of Montreal (CJPPM).
Le 31 août 2021, la professeure Andrea Bjorklund, titulaire de la Chaire Fortier en arbitrage et droit commercial international, et le professeur Fabien Gélinas, Ad. E., titulaire de la Chaire Sir William C. Macdonald, ont été nommés Chercheur.e.s Norton Rose Fulbright en arbitrage et en droit commercial.
Le 29 août 2021, le professeur Daniel Weinstock, titulaire Chaire Pearson en société civile et politiques publiques, a discuté de divulgation du statut vaccinal entre collègues sur Du côté de chez Catherine, Radio-Canada.
On August 27, Dean Robert Leckey published opinion pieces in La Presse and CTV Montreal reflecting on the return to campus under current circumstances.
Professor emeritus William Foster passed away on 10 August 2021. We have collected photographs, along with tributes from friends and colleagues. Please share your own memories on our Guestbook.
Le 26 juillet, six membres de notre communauté figuraient parmi les lauréats des élections de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé. Les professeur.e.s Helge Dedek et Geneviève Saumier ont été élu.e.s comme membres titulaires. Les professeures Allison Christians, Alicia Hinarejos et Marie Manikis, ainsi que Me Daniel Boyer, Ad. E., ont été élus membres associées.
On 14 July 2021, Professor Adelle Blackett, Ad. E., FRSC, was appointed Chair of Canada’s new Employment Equity Act Review Task Force by Minister of Labour Filomena Tassi. Read more about this notable appointment.
Professor of Business Law Peer Zumbansen has edited a new book, The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Law. which includes contributions from Professors Adelle Blackett, Helge Dedek, and Priya S. Gupta.
Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
This summer, two postdoctoral researchers have received Banting Fellowships to pursue their research at McGill Law. The Faculty of Law looks forward to welcoming Daniel Del Gobbo and Anat Lior.
DCL candidate Luisa Castaneda-Quintana was awarded a Vanier Scholarshipfor her work on legal pluralism, extractive industries, and Indigenous Peoples’ identity. Working under the supervision of Professor Víctor Muñiz-Fraticelli, she analyzes how the Wiwa people of Columbia interact with different normative orders in the context of extractivism, transforming their identity and forging various forms of resistance.
DCL candidate and Vanier Scholar Ermanno Napolitano has been awarded a prestigious Harvard University Solar Geoengineering Research Program (SGRP) fellowship to explore the legal principles that should govern geoengineering research and its potential deployment. Working under the supervision of Professor Richard Janda, he seeks to deepens the legal understanding of geoengineering, intended as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the earth’s atmosphere in order to reduce global warming, and of the potential consequences of its deployment.
This summer, LLM candidate Alexander Agnello co-authored a report by the privacy commissioners and ombudspersons of BC and the Yukon on artificial intelligence in the public sector. The report, which calls for strengthened regulation and oversight of artificial intelligence in public sector decision-making, was tabled before the Legislatures of BC and the Yukon. Read the report [.pdf] and the related media release.