This year, Professor Harold Hongju Koh will give the Wallenberg Lecture

harold-h-kohThe Syrian crisis presents extraordinary challenges for international law and political will. What, realistically and legally can we do?

In this Wallenberg Lecture, Professor Koh, a leading international human rights lawyer and scholar, examines this most pressing moral and humanitarian challenge.

Date and time: March 17, from 17:30 to 19:00
Place: Maxwell Cohen Moot Court (room 100), New Chancellor Day Hall, Faculty of Law, McGill University

The speaker

Harold Hongju Koh, who is the Sterling Professor of International Law at Yale, is a leading American expert in public and private international law, national security law, and human rights, who served nearly four years as Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State. Professor Koh has also served as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights, and as Dean of Yale Law School.

The Wallenberg Lectures

The Raoul Wallenberg Forum in Human Rights was inaugurated in 1988 by Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel in what became a national commemorative occasion for the cause of human rights. Subsequent lectures have been delivered by Samuel Pisar, distinguished international lawyer and author, Professor Guy von Dardel, brother of Raoul Wallenberg, the Honourable Justice Richard Goldstone of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and Professor Göran Melander, International Law Professor and Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Institute in Lund, Sweden, in 2002.

Subsequent lectures have been given by Egyptian-American sociologist and civil rights activist Saad Eddin Ibrahim in 2004, Harvard Law Professor Martha Minow in 2006, by Open Society Institute President Aryeh Neier in 2008, Susan Herman, President of the American Civil Liberties Union, in 2012, and Mary Eberts in 2013.