La lutte contre le cyberharcèlement est l’affaire de tous
Laetitia Avia, LLM’13, Le journal du dimanche, 23 septembre 2021
« Députée La République en marche et auteure d’une proposition de loi contre les contenus haineux en ligne, Laetitia Avia revient dans cette tribune sur la vague de cyberharcèlement qui vise des collégiens nés en 2010 et appelle plateformes, pouvoirs publics et parents à agir. » Lire sa lettre au journal.
Two Quebec lawyers want to rescue Afghan women judges in fear for their lives
Toula Drimonis, Cult MTL, 31 August 2021
“The Hon. Pepita Capriolo, BCL’75, and Me Marie-Christine Kirouack, BCL’91, are urging our governments to help their sisters in the field in Afghanistan start a new life here. In a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, all women and girls are at risk. But no one is more in peril right now than women in key positions of power. Women lawyers, judges, journalists, police officers and army personnel will be especially targeted by this regressive militant group that seeks to enforce strict Islamic law in Afghanistan.” Continue reading.
Related coverage: « Une ancienne juge et une avocate veulent pouvoir parrainer des consœurs afghanes », Lisa-Marie Gervais, Le Devoir, 24 août 2021
La diaspora afghane inquiète pour l’Afghanistan : Entrevue avec Mina Chamsi
Tout un matin avec Patrick Masbourian, Radio-Canada, 20 août 2021
Mina Chamsi, BCL/LLB’12, avocate au Ministère du Procureur Général de l’Ontario et entraîneuse de l’équipe de plaidoirie pour le J-A Isaac Diversity Moot, s’est entretenue avec l’émission Tout un matin sur Radio-Canada Première pour parler des réactions de la diaspora afghane à l’entrée au pouvoir des talibans. Écoutez le segment (10 min)
Judicial nominations
The Hon. Vanessa Rochester BCL/LLB’04, was appointed to the Federal Court on 4 August 2021. Prior to her appointment, she practised predominantly in the areas of maritime and transportation law, where she had the opportunity to work with the late Professor William Tetley. Read the announcement.
En juillet, Daniel Urbas, BCL’91, LLB’91, un arbitre et médiateur ayant fondé Urbas Arbitral, et Louis Charette, BCL’94, LLB’94, associé du cabinet Lavery au sein du groupe litige et règlement des différends, ont étés nommés juges de la Cour supérieure du Québec dans le district de Montréal. Lisez l’annonce.
Passeport vaccinal : dans le respect des droits des personnes sans-abri
James Hugues, BCL’91, PDG de la Mission Old Brewery, La Presse+, 26 juillet 2021
« Je suis heureux d’annoncer aux Montréalais qu’il n’y a actuellement aucun cas connu de COVID-19 parmi la population itinérante de notre ville. Depuis le début de la pandémie, la Mission Old Brewery gère les installations d’isolement pour les hommes, les femmes et les personnes transgenres sans-abri. Notre Zone rouge pour ceux qui ont été déclarés positifs est actuellement vide. Au cours des huit dernières semaines environ, une ou deux personnes se sont isolées dans notre Zone orange en attendant les résultats de leurs tests, ainsi que dans notre Zone jaune pour faire confirmer un résultat négatif, mais nous sommes heureusement libres de toute activité dans la Zone rouge. » Lire la suite.
Mireille Le-Ngoc: Foreign Service Officer at Global Affairs Canada
DALA Lawfully Uncommon Interviews, summer 2021
Mireille Le-Ngoc, BCL/LLB’11, completed her articling term at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. She then worked for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Mireille joined Global Affairs Canada (GAC) as a Foreign Service Officer in 2016. As part of GAC, she worked on various files, including Canada’s bilateral relation with a country in the Middle East, international criminal law, human rights and environmental law. Read the interview.
Justice Rosalie Abella: The voice of the vulnerable
Lawrence David, BCL/LLB’14, National Magazine, 1 July 2021
The first Jewish woman to serve on the Supreme Court, and the daughter of Holocaust survivors, Justice Abella’s judicial career was devoted to the advancement of justice, equity and human dignity. In a 2010 lecture reflecting on the evolution of human rights following World War II, she set out three principles that would come to define her jurisprudence. First, indifference is injustice’s incubator. Second, it’s not just what you stand for, it’s what you stand up for. And third, we must never forget how the world looks to those who are disadvantaged. Through her steadfast commitment to these principles in law and in life, Justice Abella effectively became the judicial voice of the vulnerable. Keep reading.
Former Telus lawyer Greg Gowe launches fundraising initiative for ALS Action Canada
Lucy Saddleton, Canadian Lawyer, 17 June 2021
A former in-house lawyer has spearheaded a fundraising initiative in support of ALS Action Canada. British Columbia-based Greg Gowe, LLB’01, – who was a member of the legal department at Telus Communications Inc. for 11 years – was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in May 2019, and has been working tirelessly to raise funds and awareness ever since. He has raised $75,000 to date for ALS treatment and research since. Read the article.
Bourses et prix pour notre communauté diplôméeAssistant professor Samuel Singer, BCL/LLB’09, has won the Canadian Law and Society Association’s Article Prize for his paper “Trans Rights Are Not Just Human Rights: Legal Strategies for Trans Justice.” The article posits that current human rights instruments, while being viable legal advocacy tools used by trans people, are not enough to address the legal obstacles, especially intersectional and systemic barriers, encountered by such individuals. Etienne Cossette-Lefebvre, BCL/LLB’14, ancien directeur exécutif du Centre Paul-André Crépeau de droit privé et comparé et candidat au doctorat à l’Université de Toronto, a reçu une bourse de la Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau cette année, ainsi qu’une bourse doctorale du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines. Benny Chan, BCL/LLB’17, who is finishing an LLM at Georgetown U. with support from the Daniel Jutras International Graduate Studies Award, was among the 16 chosen for the 2021 Law Program of the Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics. Fellows spend two intensive weeks in Germany and Poland, visiting Auschwitz and key historical sites in Berlin and Krakow, and participating in rigorous seminars led by experts. Tiran Rahimian Bajgiran, BCL/JD’20, received a John P. Humphrey Fellowship from the Canadian Council on International Law to support his research as a Harvard Law School LLM candidate, where he is exploring the intersection of law and technology, from a comparative human rights perspective. |