Cookie holding photo-4620

In this series of videos produced by the Faculty’s Communications team, Cookie Lazarus, BCL’65, offers a look back on his storied career, summarized in the form of twelve lessons he’s learned since graduation. He dedicated his talk to the Class of 2015.

Lessons 1-3

Lesson 1: Don’t be afraid to fail in whatever you do
Lesson 2: Honesty and integrity are key to your business and success
Lesson 3: Never be afraid to say you don’t know the answer to a question

Lessons 4-6

Lesson 4: Always surround yourself with good people
Lesson 5: Focus on the challenge: don’t put your feelings ahead of the job
Lesson 6: Learn what it takes to ‘work the room’

Lessons 7-9

Lesson 7: Rely on gut instinct when dealing with people at every level
Lesson 8: My best legal venture: my involvement in the gaming industry
Lesson 9: Getting involved in great causes or charitable foundations is rewarding

Lessons 10-12

Lesson 10: In life, as in work, always try to over-deliver
Lesson 11: Prepare well for any negotiation or meeting with decision makers
Lesson 12: Having courage: the Margaret Trudeau syndrome

Or view the complete playlist on Youtube.