QS World University Ranking
The Faculty of Law once again placed well in the QS World University rankings, released for 2016 in March, with high scores for academic reputation and citations per paper. The rankings are produced in partnership with academic publisher Elsevier and the methodology for this measure is available online.
Les professeurs Gélinas, Leckey et Saumier nommés à des chaires de recherche de la Faculté
- Fabien Gélinas a été nommé titulaire de la Chaire Sir William C. Macdonald pour un mandat de sept ans débutant le 1er mai 2016. Fabien Gélinas, qui dirige le groupe de recherche Justice privée et État de droit, se spécialise en arbitrage et règlement des différends internationaux.
- Robert Leckey deviendra Professeur Samuel Gale de droit pour un mandat de sept ans débutant le 1er septembre 2016. Robert Leckey, titulaire d’une chaire William Dawson et directeur du Centre Crépeau, mène des recherches dans les domaines du droit constitutionnel, du droit de la famille et du droit comparé.
- Geneviève Saumier est nommée titulaire de la Chaire Peter M. Laing Q.C. – qui avait été laissée vacante suite au décès soudain du professeur H. Patrick Glenn – pour un mandat de sept ans débutant le 1er mai 2016. Spécialiste de droit international privé, Geneviève Saumier s’intéresse au droit de la consommation, à la résolution des différends internationaux et aux recours collectifs transfrontaliers.
Ramanujam to receive Award for Equity and Community Building
Associate Professor (Professional) Nandini Ramanujam has been awarded this year’s McGill Award for Equity and Community Building for academic staff.
As Dean Daniel Jutras noted, “the award is a most significant recognition of the outstanding work done by Nandini over the years in advancing equity and diversity at McGill. The University recognizes her exceptional contributions over the past decade, her quiet leadership within the Center for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, her extraordinary skill in mentoring students – who describe their encounter with Nandini as “a transformative experience” – and her ability to build bridges between students, faculty members and multiple social justice community organizations.”
The award will be presented by Principal Fortier and Provost Manfredi at a ceremony on May 3, 2016.
James McGill Chair renewed for Smith
The Faculty of Law is pleased to report that Professor Stephen Smith’s James McGill Chair has just been renewed for another seven year term. The James McGill Chairs are internal awards that are on par with Canada Research Chairs Tier 1.
This award recognizes Stephen as one of McGill’s “senior and most respected scholars”, and underlines that he has maintained the highest level of scholarly excellence. “It is wonderful to see this honour go to a colleague who is not only an outstanding scholar and teacher, but a generous, altruistic, loyal and kind human being,” said Dean Daniel Jutras in sharing the news.
Niezen gets Arts nod
On April 12, Professor Ronald Niezen ‐ who is co-appointed in the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts ‐ received the 2016 Arts Award for Distinction in Research.
The Committee underlined Ron’s work on indigenous rights and identity, his prolific publication record, the breadth of his research agenda, and the impact of his research both locally and internationally. “A wonderful tribute, highlighting the wisdom of the decision we made a few years ago to bring Ron into the ranks of the Faculty of Law!” said Dean Daniel Jutras.
This Faculty of Arts award is given annually to a faculty member who has made outstanding research contributions to their field.
McGill Bravo
Professor René Provost was honoured at the McGill Bravo ceremony on March 31. McGill Bravo Awards are opportunity to “celebrate the prizes and awards our top scholars and researchers have received in the past year. Many of these awards are given by organizations recognizing researchers’ commitment to working on issues with urgent real-world applications.”
Provost was recognized for receiving a Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellowship in 2015.
McGill Reporter (April 7, 2016): McGill says Bravo to some of its best