Helena Lamed receiving the Durnford Teaching Excellence Award from Principal Suzanne Fortier.

At the Spring Convocation held on June 1, Professor Helena Lamed was awarded the 2017 John W. Durnford Teaching Excellence Award. This well-deserved recognition, which comes at the moment when Professor Lamed is retiring, presented graduating students with an opportunity to recognize the lasting impact her teaching has had on them, as well as on the generations of students she has taught since she first came to the Faculty.

In their nomination letter, law students underscored Professor Lamed’s outstanding expertise in her courses’ subject matter. They noted how clear, engaging, and respectful she is, fostering a learning environment both inside and outside the classroom.

One student pointed out that “she has made a concerted effort to get to know each and every cohort of McGill law students, while imparting concern for the public interest in both legal ethics and clinic placements,” and another wrote that “she has high standards and inspires us to meet those standards.”

Others highlighted how “well-prepared she is when entering the classroom, and how devoted she is in supporting students and their aspirations. They remarked on how “Professor Lamed is open and flexible, but knows how to lead so that we feel confident with the topic, by drawing on practical, real-life examples, and encouraging us to make connections.”

En tant que directrice du programme de méthodologie juridique depuis 2003, Helena Lamed a donné le cours de méthodologie de première année sur la recherche et la rédaction juridiques, ainsi que le cours de deuxième année sur l’éthique juridique et la plaidoirie. Elle a aussi enseigné, au cours des années, le droit de la famille, le droit des assurances, et un cours d’approches littéraires et linguistiques au droit.

Elle a également coordonné l’important programme des concours de plaidoirie de McGill et contribué à son grand succès. Helena Lamed, qui a pris sa retraite à la fin du mois de mai, a été nommée professeure associée (catégorie professionnelle) en avril 2014.

Bravo Helena, et bon vent!

Helena Lamed teaching in 2012.