June 2017
La collation des grades 2017 en photos
L’Université McGill a remis un doctorat honoris causa à Stephen Toope, BCL’83, LLB’83, lors de la collation des grades du printemps qui a...
7 June 2017
McGill-Shantou Program: Chinadese Scallops & Fostering Transpacific Collaboration
This year's McGill-Shantou Summer Program welcomed 14 law students from China and 11 from McGill to study Sustainable Development and Environmental Law together...
5 June 2017
Alumni echoes
A successful Young Alums coffeehouse; Faculty Awards for our alumni and friends; and a round-up of op-eds, news, and prizes relating to McGill...
5 June 2017
News from the Faculty
Articles, lettres d’opinion, prix reçus, nominations à la Cour, visiteurs distingués et embauches : un florilège de nouvelles touchant les membres de notre...
5 June 2017
Nouvelles étudiantes
Our students on protecting transgender people and pronouns both, how the Charter contains seeds for new growth, and why the African Union needs...
5 June 2017
Helena Lamed receives Durnford Teaching Excellence Award
At the Spring Convocation held on June 1, Professor Helena Lamed was awarded the 2017 John W. Durnford Teaching Excellence Award. This well-deserved...
5 June 2017