Cet automne, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir plusieurs nouveaux collègues parmi nos rangs, ainsi que plusieurs professeurs et chercheurs en résidence. Faites leur connaissance.
Les professeurs Omar Farahat et Brian F. Havel se sont joints à la Faculté, respectivement à titre de professeur adjoint et de professeur titulaire ainsi que directeur de l’Institut de droit aérien et spatial de McGill. Me Cristina Toteda s’est jointe à la Faculté à titre de Chargée de cours en éthique et professionnalisme.
We are also pleased to welcome Boulton Fellow Kerry Sloan, a PhD graduate from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, and Distinguished Tomlinson Visiting Professor John Borrows, from the University of Victoria, who will both spend the 2017-2018 academic year at the Faculty.
Update (October 4, 2017): we are also pleased to announce the arrival of three new staff members.
Omar Farahat combines professional practice experience with sterling credentials from some of the world’s greatest universities. Dr. Farahat completed his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 2016, after which he worked as a Research Fellow at Yale Law School. Prior to that, he obtained a dual law degree from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Cairo University in 2004, an LL.M. from Harvard Law School in 2007, and an interdisciplinary M.A. in the humanities from New York University in 2010. He has practiced law in Cairo, New York, and Paris.
Omar Farahat’s areas of interest include legal theory, comparative law, theoretical and theological ethics, and religious forms of regulation relative to modern legal systems. His current research focuses on Islamic legal and moral theories.
Prior to joining the Faculty as Director of the Institute of Air and Space Law, Brian F. Havel was a Distinguished Research Professor of Law at DePaul University College of Law in Chicago, where he directed the International & Comparative Law Program and the International Aviation Law Institute. He practised transnational corporate and antitrust litigation, before entering academia.
Havel’s current research focuses on issues of public/private governance in the air transport and space industries – and the sites of that governance – that emerge from “messy” public and private international norm-generation at all levels.
As Faculty Lecturer in Legal Ethics, Cristina Toteda has worked closely with Faculty members and engaged alumni to revise the mandatory second-year course in Legal Ethics and Professionalism and the upper-year course in Advocacy. She is teaching those courses, as well as contributing to the first-year Integration Workshop.
Prior to joining the Faculty, Me Toteda practiced law with McCarthy Tétrault from 2014 to 2017, specializing in labour and employment law. Me Toteda obtained her BCL/LLB from McGill University in 2013, graduating on the Dean’s Honour List.
Kerry Sloan joined the Faculty in September for a one-year term as a Boulton Fellow. She is instructing one of the small groups for the Integration Workshops, and co-taught a class on Indigenous law to all first-year students during Integration Week. She is also organizing guest talks related to Indigenous legal issues for the Patricia Allen Memorial Lecture and the Alan Aylesworth Macnaughton Lecture, and is planning with the Faculty’s Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism a half-day event in February, “Non-state laws in a modern state context: Indigenous and Islamic perspectives.” As a visiting scholar, Sloan is writing about Metis legal theory and researching sources of Metis law. She is also working on an SSHRC Post-doctoral fellowship research project to examine and compare how Métis laws are used in Métis legal institutions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia.
John Borrows is a Professor at the University of Victoria Law School, as well as Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law. He is an Anishinabe/Ojibway and a member of the Chippewa of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario, and he teaches in the area of Constitutional Law, Indigenous Law, and Environmental Law. At the start of the semester, he led an intensive field course for a group of McGill Law students on his nation’s territory.
In the coming academic year, he will be participating in the intellectual life of the Faculty, and give seminars and public lectures.