Research publications, conference participation, public talks and op-eds, to name a few: professors at the Faculty maintain active and incredibly busy schedules, and the following list offers just a sample of their activities.

Faculty in the media


Payam Akhavan (rightmost, above) was at the Afghanistan Human Rights Commission in October for a seminar on international criminal justice for Taliban crimes. Among the participants were a former Taliban minister from Kandahar and a former Mojahedin. Professor Akhavan wrote to say that “it was very interesting to have conversations with these people and to see the world through their eyes.”

2015 november adelle blackett CABL prize-300x400Adelle Blackett (on right) was awarded a Pathfinder Prize by the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers during CABL’s 19th Annual Gala – Answering the Call for Change: Justice in Action, on October 24, 2015. The prize honours an individual who has used his or her legal education in a non-traditional manner to make significant contributions to the legal community and the community at large.

In October, François Crépeau released a joint statement as UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, with Francisco Carrión Mena, Chair of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers.

Stephen Dempsey was quoted in International Business Times article on “Russian Plane Crash, Airspace, Flight Routes For Airlines Flying In The Region Called Into Question.”

Richard Gold était cité dans La Presse du 10 octobre au sujet des effets possibles du Partenariat transpacifique psur des prix des médicaments: “L’actualité expliquée. Quel impact pour les consommateurs?

Sébastien Jodoin fera partie de la délégation de McGill à la Conférence de Paris sur les changements climatiques, qui aura lieu du 30 novembre au 11 décembre 2015. On pourra suivre les activités de la délégation sur le blogue de la délégation et sur Twitter avec le mot-clic #mcgillcop21.

David Lametti (PLC) a été élu député de la circonscription de LaSalle–Émard–Verdun, QC, lors des dernières élections fédérales. Il a été nommé secrétaire parlementaire pour le ministre du Commerce international.

Robert Leckey was promoted to full professor in November 2015.

Johanne Poirier a été interviewée dans Le Devoir le 14 novembre : “Une chaire sur le fédéralisme voit le jour” dans le cadre d’un cahier éducation, novembre 2015.

Frédéric Mégret était parmi les experts interviewés par Anne-Marie Dussault (Radio-Canada) sur la riposte de la France suite aux attentats à Paris. (son intervention commence à environ 1:22:10)

Margaret Somerville penned an oped in the Globe and Mail, October 27, titled “What the top court left out in judgment on assisted suicide.”

René Provost tente de comprendre la façon dont les groupes rebelles administrent la justice en temps de guerre. (Le Devoir)

Photo credit: Paula Morrison.

Recent books and edited collections

2015 november books roundup-700w

Adelle Blackett & Anne Trebilcock, eds., Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law. Edward Elgar, September 2015.

Helge Dedek, Shauna Van Praagh, eds., Stateless Law. Evolving Boundaries of a Discipline. Ashgate Publishing (Juris Diversitas series), April 2015.

Fabien Gélinas,  et alii. Foundations of Civil Justice. Toward a Value-Based Framework for Reform. Springer, July 2015.

Jane Matthews Glenn, Anneke Smit & Véronique Fortin, eds., Indignation, Socio-economic Inequality and the Role of Law. Vol. 5, No. 1, Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, January-March 2015.

Anne-Sophie Hulin, Robert Leckey & Lionel Smith, eds., Les apparences en droit civil. Les Éditions Yvon Blais, 2015.

Hoi Kong & Kinvin Wroth eds., NAFTA and Sustainable Development. The History, Experience, and Prospects for Reform. Cambridge University Press, August 2015.

Robert Leckey, Bills of Rights in the Common Law. Cambridge University Press, May 2015.

Johanne Poirier, Cheryl Saunders & John Kincaid (eds), Intergovernmental Relations in Federal Systems: Comparative Structures and Dynamics, Oxford University Press, July 2015

René Provost, ed., Mapping the Legal Boundaries of Belonging – Religion and Multiculturalism from Israel to Canada. Oxford University Press, January 2015.

Margaret Somerville, Birds on an Ethics Wire. Battles about Values in the Culture Wars, McGill-Queens University Press, November 2015.

McGill Talks Global Migration

We are witnessing the largest migration of people fleeing war and difficulty since WW2. How should states face these challenges? Are there solutions that politicians are ignoring? Francois Crépeau, UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants; and Adelle Blackett, Director, Labour Law & Development Research Laboratory were among the professors interviewed on these questions.

Discussing the hardships of FATCA

Professor Allison Christians, who holds the Stikeman Chair in Tax Law, was interviewed live by Tax Notes. She offers some suggestions to reduce the hardships inflicted by the US’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).



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