Journée de bienvenue pour les nouveaux étudiants
La journée d’accueil est toujours un moment de grande émotion, autant pour les nouveaux venus que le personnel et les professeurs de la Faculté de droit. C’est un mélange d’anticipation et d’excitation, parfois relevé d’une pointe d’anxiété, mais toujours servi avec de grands sourires. Comme nous le répète chaque année le doyen Daniel Jutras: Tout va bien se passer!
Before the Law
As part of integration activities during the first week, first-year law students were gathered for a day-long activity. First, they were presented with a real and complex case by Professor Jutras. Later on, the students were broken up into smaller groups for workshops on the case with faculty members. This integration day helps our new students meet their professors and begin to get a grasp on their legal education.
Clubs Day
The Faculty has over 40 student clubs and at the start of each academic year, a Clubs Day is organized in the Atrium. It’s a great chance to meet fellow students with shared interests or discover new activities.
Graduate Students Welcome Lunch
Dean Daniel Jutras, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Richard Gold, and GLSA president and DCL student Eliza Bateman welcomed Masters and Doctoral students to the new academic year at a lunch held on the third floor of New Chancellor Day Hall. It was also an opportunity to thank Professor Angela Campbell who stepped down as Associate Dean of Graduate Studies when she was named Associate Provost (Policies, Procedures and Equity) earlier this summer.
Christie Community Bike Ride
This year, the Ride raised funds for Action Réfugiés Montréal (ARM), with the participants collecting over $6,000. Jenny Jeanes and Paul Clarke, who work for ARM, were at the start of the event to meet the riders and see them off. And despite rainy weather, spirits were not dampened!