December 2012
Reviving the End-of-Life Debate
Over 300 jurists flocked to the Faculty on November 27 for the latest CLE session, a fiery debate between Professors Margaret Somerville and...
14 December 2012
Our Top Ten Stories for 2012
Alors que l'année 2012 s'achève, nous avons jeté un petit coup d'oeil sur nos statistiques et dressé le palmarès des articles publiés cette...
14 December 2012
Festive Echoes
Dean Daniel Jutras hosted his annual end-of-year Festive Reception on December 13, inviting members of the McGill Law community to share in some...
14 December 2012
Le Cercle Yves Caron accueille ses cinq premiers membres
dans le cadre d’une cérémonie tenue durant le 10e Colloque des professeur(e)s de sûretés réelles.
13 December 2012
Doors Wide Open
With many exciting initiatives being launched this year, the Faculty of Law at McGill University opens the door to a deeper understanding of...
13 December 2012
Libyan Tug of War
International Law Professor Payam Akhavan argues before the International Criminal Court that post-revolutionary Libya is ready and able to try its former leaders.
12 December 2012
Term of Engagement
Planned, organized, and led by the students themselves, but supervised by professors, student-initiated seminars offer a new and engaged way of learning at...
10 December 2012
Appel à tous – devenez mentor et faites toute la différence dans la vie d’un étudiant
La Faculté s'apprête à lancer un ambitieux Programme de mentorat par les diplômés: Une façon originale et enrichissante de partager vos connaissances, votre...
18 November 2012