October 2020
Le doyen Leckey: la rentrée, les Retrouvailles et un rendez-vous virtuel
Un mois de septembre bien rempli: Le doyen Robert Leckey nous fait un récapitulatif de la rentrée 2020 et des activités à distance...
9 October 2020
In conversation with Jemark Earle, President of the Student Society of McGill University
Last spring, seasoned student leader Jemark Earle was elected President of the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU), the union that represents McGill’s...
7 October 2020
For a stronger cybersecurity culture in the legal sector
The pandemic has pushed the legal industry and the judicial system to rely on technology more than ever. Given that October is Cybersecurity...
7 October 2020
McGill Law community comes together to welcome newest cohort
This September, professors, upper-year students, and alumni came together to offer a first-class integration experience to the newest members of the BCL/JD program....
6 October 2020
Dia Dabby: du doctorat au professorat
Ayant la piqûre de la recherche, Dia Dabby, DCL’17, a poursuivi sa passion, depuis les coulisses de la Cour du Québec aux salles...
6 October 2020
Les Retrouvailles 2020 en rediffusion
Pour les toutes premières Retrouvailles « à la maison » , des camarades de classe trinquent à distance, on vous invite à arpenter...
5 October 2020