Endowed Faculty Chairs pave the way for innovative research and teaching opportunities
The Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the creation of two new research and teaching Chairs: the Peter MacKell Chair in Federalism, made possible by a $3 million bequest from Law graduate and former member of the Faculty Advisory Board, Peter MacKell; and the Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, made possible by a generous $3 million gift from the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation.
“Peter MacKell recognized the promise that the Canadian constitutional order offers as a source of lessons to the world,” said Dean Daniel Jutras, in announcing the news. “He also recognized the Faculty’s historical strength in constitutional law, public international law and comparative law.”
The Chair holder will work alongside the many colleagues and scholars in the Faculty with an interest in the subject, such as Roderick Macdonald, the F.R. Scott Chair in Public and Constitutional Law, who has examined federalism in the context of social diversity.
“The creation of this Chair will reaffirm the leading role played by McGill scholars in thinking broadly about federalism and public and private governance,” Dean Jutras said.

The holder of the Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy will be jointly appointed between the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts, and will lead the new Civil Society Program at McGill.
The program, an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to examining contemporary legal issues, is also predicated on the idea that scholarship is a fundamental basis for public action.
“Students and graduates of this Faculty have always demonstrated a remarkable commitment to public service while pursuing research in key areas of expertise for which McGill is known, such as human rights, international law and sustainable development,” noted Dean Jutras.
“In the context of declining public resources, the presence of a leading scholar in this domain will contribute to our understanding of issues of local and global significance posed by questions about health, environment, personal and economic well-being, social diversity and equity.”
The Faculty of Law will be actively recruiting for these Chairs in the coming year, with recruitment for the Katharine A. Pearson Chair closing on October 15. Please visit our Employment Opportunities webpage for more information.