RETROUVAILLES 2012 – Un album photo

Tout le monde s’est bien amusé durant un ‘Homecoming’ pétillant! Entre le 11 et le 14 octobre, la Faculté de droit était l’hôte du premier Weekend de retrouvailles à se dérouler entièrement au Pavillon Chancellor-Day. Plusieurs promotions ont également tenu leurs conventums.
Alumni Coffeehouse
![]() Dean Daniel Jutras hosted a Thursday night coffeehouse to kick off the Homecoming festivities. The Atrium was packed with students and alumni, and the beer was flowing, as per tradition. “Tonight is a first,” said the Dean. “We have never before invited our alumni from all graduating years to come back for Coffeehouse, in the 27 years or more that the Faculty has been holding them.” (Credit: Lysanne Larose) |
![]() While the night belonged to the MLJ, who celebrated with a mountain of red and white cupcakes and a rousing speech by editor Marie-Eve Goulet, the current LSA President, Graham Splawski, also grabbed the microphone to invite alumni to two more events, the Saturday morning run, and “a Valentine’s Day coffeehouse — We’re going to have a big celebration in February for our centennial.” (Credit: Lysanne Larose) |
![]() Soirée Coffeehouse : Graham Splawski, l’actuel président de l’AED, en compagnie de trois anciens présidents de l’AED : Eric Gilman (BCL’02, LLB’02), Pascal Zamprelli (BCL/LLB’05) et Allen Mendelsohn (BCL’01, LLB ’01, LLM ‘11). (Credit: Bridget Wayland) |
![]() Tina Hobday (BCL’93, LLB’93), présidente de l’Association des diplômé-e-s de McGill, ici en compagnie d’Ester Driham, Directrice associée au développement philanthropique de la Faculté de droit, a elle aussi participé à la soirée Coffeehouse. (Credit: Bridget Wayland) |
![]() MLJ editors roamed the crowd handing out door prizes, such as a hardcopy of the Guide to Legal Citation in Canada, which Simone Samuels (on left) presented to Fred Headon (BCL’96, LLB’96). “We have an older edition in our office! We use it all the time,” he exclaimed. (Credit: Bridget Wayland) |
![]() Quatre membres de la promotion de 1977 ont fêté informellement leur 35e anniversaire durant la soirée Coffeehouse: Armand Des Rosiers (RBC Capital Markets), Marc Duquette (Associé principal, Norton Rose), l’honorable Brigitte Gouin (Cour du Québec), et Jules Brossard (Associé, De Grandpré Chait). (Credit: Bridget Wayland) |
Petit déjeuner du doyen et journée portes ouvertes
![]() Dean’s Breakfast 2012: students and alumni joined current and former Deans and Professors, kicking off the first full day of Homecoming activities. (Credit: Lysanne Larose) |
![]() Dean’s Breakfast 2012: Former Dean John W. Durnford (BCL’52) chatting with Ilana Ludwin (BCL/LLB’13) in the Common Room. (Credit: Lysanne Larose) |
![]() On Homecoming Friday, student clubs assembled in the Atrium for a “meet and greet,” while student ambassadors offered tours of Chancellor Day Hall both Old and New, including the recently renovated floors (above), and the Gelber Library. (Credit: Marc Cramer) |
![]() During Open House, alumni were invited to drop in and see spaces whose doors are not usually open, including law classrooms and Dean Jutras’ office (above), possibly the nicest (and tidiest) office on campus. (Credit: Lysanne Larose) |
![]() Later that morning, there was a gathering on the West Lawn to unveil the Alexandra Dodger memorial plaque (see last month’s “Remembering Alexandra Dodger” story). |
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Leacock Lunch: Un beau déjeuner en famille
At McGill University’s annual Leacock Lunch on Friday, the Law Faculty’s two tables showcased the importance of family. The Dean, joined by Ester Driham and Katherine Knitel from Law’s Development and Alumni Relations, and Maria Marcheschi from Law’s Special Events, hosted pairs (and sometimes trios) of parents and children who had both graduated from the Faculty.
![]() See more Homecoming 2012 photos from McGill Alumni’s Flickr collection, including more from the Leacock Lunch, the Red & White Dinner, the Martlet Reception and more. |
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Class of 1957
The class held a 55th anniversary dinner at the Atwater Club on Saturday, October 13, 2013, in a special evening co-organized by H. Laddie Schnaiberg, QC. Trevor Bishop also hosted a reunion cocktail party at his home that Friday night.
Front row: James Brierley, James K-Hugessen, David Gregory, Max Teitelbaum, H. Laddie Schnaiberg, Nicole Vaillancourt Conversi, Benjamin Greenberg, Warren Allmand, and Ian Watson. At the back: Bruce English, Nahum Gelber, Paul Dingle, Harold Ashenmil and Trevor Bishop. (Credit: John Olivieri)
Class of 1962
The class held its 50th anniversary reunion on September 13, 2012. Stephen Cheasley, Deny Zerbisias, Al Golden and Dave Angus organized a dinner at the University Club, and collected top-up funds for their Class of 1962 Professor John W. Durnford Bursary, the first such entrance scholarship at the Faculty.
“We had a great turn-out for the dinner,” said Cheasley, who popped into Old Chancellor Day the next morning for a visit with former classmate and Adjunct Professor Robert Godin. “Fifty years ago, this was our first-year classroom,” he said, standing in a space that has since been broken up into several offices. “It held 80 students. Upstairs, the second- and third-year classes held half that. So they’d tell us ‘look to your left, look to your right: half of you will be gone by next year!’”
Seated, L to R: W. David Angus, Dionysia Zerbisias, Lise Desnoyers-Chamberland and Arnold H. Isaacson. Back row, L to R: David I. Schatia, Arthur C. Schweitzer, Arnold B. Sharp, Yves L. Duhaime, Robert P. Godin, Alan Z. Golden, David B. Campbell, Martin D. Bogante, Norman Levy and C. Stephen Cheasley.
Class of 1967
The Class celebrated its 45th anniversary with a reunion dinner at Piccola Italia organized by Michael Worsoff.
Front row, L to R: Paul Nadler, Norton Segal, Rosemary Christensen, Vincent Prager and Mark Schleifer. Back row, L to R: Richard Beaulieu, Gerald Dubin, Vincent Cugno, Ben Bierbrier, Linda Cohen, Pierre Fournier, Doug Pascal, Michael Rosenswig, Irwin Rudick, Michael Worsoff and Arthur Steckler.
Class of 1982
The class of 1982 had quite an animated soiree, beginning with a 30th-anniversary dinner at Ferreira, where organizers Bernard Amyot and Renée Vézina were joined by 25 classmates and their spouses. Peter McArthur, Bob L’Espérance, Leslie Stratford and Christina Tanner joined the festivities on Skype from Vancouver.
Front row, L to R: Ted Claxton, Helena Lamed, Sharon Polan, Susan Zimmerman, Antoinette Bozac, Josée Gravel, Carol Cohen, Vonnie Eng, Lilian Kliger, and David Cameron. Back row: Kevin Nearing, Herbert Brownstein, Jacques Nadeau, Mike Nelson, Bernard Amyot, Stephen Toope, Ken Mellquist, Renée Vézina, David Ramsay, Sydney Isaacs, Jean Castonguay, Ann Soden, Brian Elkin, Isabel Schurman, Al Simeson, Silvia Ugolini and Edgar Hay-Ellis. (Credit: John Olivieri)
Late Night with the Class of 1982’s very own ‘Blues Brothers’: Jean Castonguay, Al Simeson, Mike Nelson, Ken Mellquist, Paul Beaubien and David Ramsay. “We had a great time,” confided Renée Vézina. The reunion ended in the wee hours at the Omni, where “we crashed the 100th reunion of the Faculty of Phys Ed and Kinesiology. Mike Nelson is the president of Friends of McGill Hockey, so I have a feeling he knew where he was leading us…”
Class of 2002
For their 10th anniversary, the class of 2002 met at the home of classmate Neil Hazan, for a cocktail party sponsored by BLG, and co-organized by Hazan, Marc-André Grou and Patrick Trent, with additional help from Eric Gilman and Rena Kermasha. Among the participants were Assistant Dean Aisha Topsakal, Professors Hoi Kong, Alana Klein, and Robert Leckey, many alums of this class, and Dean Daniel Jutras.
“We had a great turnout,” said Aisha Topsakal of the Faculty’s SAO. “People came from New York, London, Toronto, Ottawa, and everywhere.” This was the inaugural class of the Faculty’s transsystemic program, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year as well. (See the 2012 edition of Focus Law magazine , pages 10-22.)
(Credit: John Olivieri)