Photos of the recent Young Alumni Cocktail in Toronto, Calgary Law Alumni Cocktail and Class of 1990 Reunion; two new publications by McGill Law alumnae; Richard Pound named Commander of the Order of Montreal; blockchain tax expert Kendra Alexia Hefti recognized at McGill Toronto Excellence Awards; and more in this month’s Alumni News.
- Blockchain Tax Expert Kendra Alexia Hefti, BCL/LLB’16 (pictured above), received the Rising Star award at McGill’s Toronto Excellence Awards Lunch.
- Michael Goldbloom, BCL’78, LLB’79, a été reconduit dans ses fonctions de principal et vice-chancelier de l’Université Bishop’s pour un troisième mandat.
- Richard Pound, BCL’67, LLD’09, a été nommé commandeur de l’Ordre de Montréal. Sa nomination le décrit comme « l’une des figures les plus marquantes du mouvement olympique des cinquante dernières années ».
- Hillel Neuer, BCL’98, LLB’98, was awarded a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, by McGill University at the Arts Convocation Ceremony.
Nos diplômés et diplômées dans l’actualité
Le Droit a interviewé William Amos, BCL/LLB’04, député fédéral dans la circonscription de Pontiac, au sujet de sa passion pour l’environnement, de son parcours politique, et de son implication au sein du mouvement des « Grands Frères ». Lire l’entrevue
Helen Antoniou, BCL’92, LLB’92, published Back to Beer… and Hockey, a biography of her father-in-law Eric Molson. She was interviewed in several news outlets, including La Presse and Tout le monde en parle.
Precedent interviewed criminal-defence lawyer Annamaria Enenajor, BCL/LLB’12, who clerked for the Hon. Richard Wagner at the Supreme Court of Canada after graduation, and is now partner at Ruby, Shiller & Enenajor in Toronto. Read the interview.
The Globe and Mail profiled Catherine McKenzie, BCL’99, LLB’99, partner at IMK by day and novelist by night, to mark the publication of her most recent novel, The Good Liar.
Several McGill Law alumni – including our own Dean Robert Leckey – will be involved in Clarity 2018, a forum promoting plain language to make legal documents accessible to all. The event is presented by Éducaloi. For more information, visit clarity2018.org.
Young Alumni Cocktail in Toronto
The McGill Law Young Alumni Board (YAB) – Toronto Region, held its 2nd annual Young Alumni Cocktail at the National Club, with special guests Dean Robert Leckey, Professors Allison Christians, Sébastien Jodoin and Krzysztof Pelc. Guests noshed on small bites and sipped drinks as they mingled and reconnected with old classmates.
Organized by YAB president Ewa Krajewska, BCL/LLB’08, Claire Gowdy, BCL/LLB’13, Clara Pham, BCL/LLB’08, Neil Modi, BCL/LLB’08, Ali Khan, BCL/LLB’10, Matthew Chung, BCL/LLB’17, Rosel Kim, BCL/LLB’15, Mary Angela Rowe, BCL/LLB’14, Sara Ross, BCL/LLB’12, and Carlos Sayao, BCL/LLB’14, the event was made possible with the generous support from Bennett Jones, Blakes, and BLG.
(click any picture to zoom)
Photos by Taurus Multimedia, Toronto
Class of 1990 Reunion
On May 25, the Law Class of 1990 returned to Chancellor Day Hall for a delightful reunion hosted by alumni Anthony Fata, BCL’90, LLB’90; Randall Marusik, BCL’90, LLB’90; Roberto Buffone, BCL’90, LLB’90; and Dean Robert Leckey.
La belle soirée fut l’occasion pour les anciens camarades de classe de visiter les salles de classe John W. Durnford et Don Meehan ainsi que le Foyer Roderick Macdonald, qui ont été entièrement rénovés et modernisés au cours de la dernière année. Les diplômés et diplômées n’ont pas manqué de partager nombre d’anecdotes de leurs années étudiantes, et de vérifier que le sous-sol du pavillon Chancellor Day Hall était bien conforme à leur souvenir.
McGill Law Gathering in Calgary
On April 30, alumni of McGill’s Faculty of Law were able to reconnect with Dean Robert Leckey and fellow alums at a McGill Law Alumni Cocktail, kindly hosted by Bennett Jones LLP. Many thanks to all who joined us for this memorable reunion, and we hope to see you again soon!
Photos by Katy Whitt, Calgary