un mediation

The McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and the Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law welcomed three mediation experts who are members of the Standby Team to discuss the role and function of peace mediation.

Michael Brown – Land & Natural Resource Conflicts Expert – Professor of Practice in Conflict Mediation, Institute for the Study of International Development (McGill University)

John Packer – Constitutions & Process Design Expert – Director, Human Rights Research and Education Centre (University of Ottawa)

Marie-Joëlle Zahar (pictured below) – Power Sharing Expert – Professor of Political Science & Fellow at the Centre for International Research and Studies (Université de Montréal)


The well-attended event was chaired by Louise Otis, judge, arbitrator and mediator in administrative and commercial matters, and former Judge at the Quebec Court of Appeal.

See the Facebook Event page: facebook.com/events/197600000590994

For more information, email oppenheimer@mcgill.ca or visit francoiscrepeau.com/peace-mediation

MICHAEL BROWN - Natural Resource & Land-Related Conflicts Expert Professor of Practice in Conflict Mediation, Institute for the Study of International Development
MICHAEL BROWN – Natural Resource & Land-Related Conflicts Expert, Professor of Practice in Conflict Mediation, Institute for the Study of International Development (McGill)

LOUISE OTIS, juge, arbitre et médiateure en matière civile et commerciale, et anciennement Juge à la Cour d'appel du Québec.
LOUISE OTIS, juge, arbitre et médiateure en matière civile et commerciale, et anciennement Juge à la Cour d’appel du Québec.

JOHN PACKER - Constitutions et conception de processus Directeur, Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne
JOHN PACKER – Directeur, Centre de recherche et d’enseignement sur les droits de la personne (University of Ottawa)

MARIE-JOËLLE ZAHAR - Partage de pouvoir Professeure au Département de science politique et Chercheure au Centre d'études et de recherches internationales
MARIE-JOËLLE ZAHAR – Professeure au Département de science politique et Chercheure au Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (Université de Montréal)