McGill law students are known for being both outspoken and well informed, but it’s not every week that they exhibit these traits on a national stage. This January, however, seven of our students were prominently featured in national media outlets within six days of each other.

CBC Radio panel

On January 10, third-year law student Menachem Freedman appeared on national CBC Radio news program, “The Current,” as part of a panel on religious accommodation in relation to the recent controversy at York University.

Listen to the segment “How far should institutions go to accommodate religion?” on CBC.

Canadian Lawyer takes a look at Law Games 2014

On January 13, fourth-year students Ian Clarke, Rachel Tonelli-Zasarsky, Michèle Lamarre-Leroux and Stéphanie Bachelet were featured in Canadian Lawyer magazine as co-coordinators for the 2014 Law Games, an annual tournament between 20 Canadian law schools which took place at McGill in the first days of the new year. More than 700 law students from across the country descended on the Faculty to compete in various sports events and talent competitions, including a moot which was judged by Dean Daniel Jutras and four practicing lawyers.

Read the article and see the video in Canadian Lawyer.

Article d’opinion dans Le Devoir

Le 14 janvier, l’étudiant Michaël Lessard signait un article d’opinion dans le Le Devoir, intitulé « Jugement sur la prostitution : La réaction d’Ottawa pèche par électoralisme », où il réagissait au jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada qui a déclaré inconstitutionnelles trois dispositions du Code criminel traitant de la prostitution.

Lisez l’article complet dans Le Devoir.

Opinion article in The Star

On January 16, student Humera Jabir reacted to the new stricter immigration conditions Ottawa announced on parent and grandparent sponsorship: “Many immigrants to Canada want to bring parents and grandparents here but Ottawa is capping the numbers and making it more expensive.”

Read the complete article in The Star.




