Deux équipes reviennent décorées des premiers concours de plaidoirie de la saison; nos étudiant.e.s au cycle supérieur prennent la plume sur des questions d’éthique universitaire, de liberté de conscience, de réchauffement climatique, de relations internationales, et sur la crise au Venezuela; l’Association du Barreau Canadien et Amnesty International soulignent l’excellence de deux étudiant.e.s; et La Presse s’entretient avec celle qui a servi de bougie d’allumage à la controverse SLĀV.

Belle performance au concours Guy-Guérin

Moses Otim, Robert Israel, Audréanne Côté

Moses Otim (à gauche) et Audréanne Côté ont remporté la première place lors de la Coupe Guy-Guérin cette année. Le tandem représentera donc le Québec lors de la ronde nationale de la coupe Sopinka, soutenu par leurs mentors Marianna Ferraro, BCL/LLB’07, et Robert Israel, BCL/LLB’06 (au centre). L’équipe a également remporté plusieurs récompenses : Audréanne Côté a reçu le prix pour meilleur plaidoyer final et de la meilleure plaidoirie, tandis que Moses Otim a remporté le prix du meilleur exposé préliminaire.

Even an academic hoax needs ethics approval

florence ashleyFlorence Ashley, LLM candidate, University Affairs, February 8, 2019

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently reported on disciplinary proceedings against Peter Boghossian at Portland State University, following his participation in a publication hoax that has since been nicknamed “Sokal squared.” Many scholars have come to his defence. […] As a student of bioethics, I find these defences concerning. Keep reading…

Great news from the Julius Alexander Isaac Diversity Moot

Norman Chung, Debbie Yeboah, Lina Bensaidane, Yasmeen Dajani

Hats off to the McGill Law team and their coach Mina Chamsi, BCL/LLB’12 on their stellar performance at the Julius Alexander Isaac Diversity Moot! Students Norman Chung and Debbie Yeboah won the Best Moot Team award; Lina Bensaidane and Yasmeen Dajani won the Best Factum award; and Norman Chung won the Spirit of the Moot award. In total, McGill took home three of the four competition awards. The moot was held February 1, 2019, 4:00PM at the Ontario Court of Appeal.

En-“gendering” change: Florence Ashley wins CBA Hero Award

5 February 2019, CBA/ABC National Magazine

Since 1999, the Canadian Bar Association has given out the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Community Section – Hero Award to recognize excellence from members of the LGBT2S community who have advanced the cause of equality through their actions or career contributions or by serving as a role model for other members of the communities. This year’s recipient is LLM candidate Florence Ashley. Read the interview…

Physicians in Canada should be moral actors, not robotic bureaucrats

Brian Bird, DCL candidate, 26 January 2019, CBC News

In January, Ontario’s highest court heard a case that pits access to health care against the moral convictions of doctors. The case essentially tests the extent to which Canadians can follow their own moral compasses while operating in a professional capacity.

In Ontario, doctors can refuse to perform procedures or prescribe drugs that they consider immoral. However, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario requires them to refer patients to doctors who are willing and able to provide the requested health care service.

Are Emissions Trading Schemes A Pathway To Enhancing Transparency Under The Paris Agreement?

Ling Chen, DCL candidate, Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 19, issue 3

In this recently published research article, DCL candidate Ling Chen argues that market-based approaches such as emissions trading schemes could advance the transparency objectives of the Paris Agreement. Read the article [.pdf]

États-Unis face au monde: un changement dans la nature des relations internationales?

Pierre-Alexandre Cardinal, candidat au DCL, Huffington Post, 3 janvier 2019

La dernière tempête dans l’administration américaine prend plusieurs observateurs et acteurs internationaux en pied de nez. Après près de deux décennies d’interventionnisme en Afghanistan, et près de dix ans de présence en sol syrien — outre un rôle de facilitateur dans les processus de paix respectifs aux deux conflits —, l’administration Trump se retire. Malgré la surprise, ce n’est qu’un chapitre dans la crise du multilatéralisme. Lire la suite…

The Venezuelan exodus is no longer just a regional crisis

J. Mauricio Gaona, DCL candidate, Washington Examiner, 21 December 2018

As Russia’s geopolitical display of war power in one the world’s most impoverished nations continues, the exodus of millions of Venezuelans leaving their home country in search of food, medical attention, safety, livelihood, and, where available, humanity, has reached global proportions. From Canada to Australia, from Spain to Argentina, from Lebanon to Sweden, Venezuelans are not only emigrating in large numbers, but nowadays claiming asylum in 41 countries. Keep reading…

Congratulations, Ryan Hicks!

BCL/LLB candidate Ryan Hicks was the winner of the 2018 Amnesty International Canada 24th Annual Media Award in the Audio category for his clip on the “root causes of migrations from Central America.” Find out more and listen to his report.

Marilou Craft: Bougie d’allumage

Marc Cassivi, La Presse+, 15 décembre 2018

Un texte de Marilou Craft (candidate au BCL/LLB), publié sur le site d’Urbania il y a un an, a servi de bougie d’allumage à un débat houleux sur l’appropriation culturelle, l’été dernier, au moment de la présentation, dans le cadre du Festival international de jazz de Montréal, de SLĀV, spectacle inspiré de chants d’esclaves, de Betty Bonifassi et Robert Lepage. Retour sur la polémique de l’été avec l’autrice, militante, étudiante en droit et diplômée en théâtre. Lire l’entrevue…