Simone Samuels, 2L, received a Forces AVENIR award on October 26, in recognition of her commitment to community projects.
By Everett Martin, McGill Reporter
Undergraduate Personality AVENIR winner
McGill law student Simone Samuels launched Girls in Transition, a mentoring program for black Toronto teens, in addition to volunteering with various programs that promote the involvement of women in politics. Samuels also coordinates a chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society at McGill, while serving as the president of the University’s Black Law Student Association. She is also a Master Guide and mentor for young people in the Pathfinder organization. Samuels says she plans to parlay her law degree into an opportunity to “protect the most vulnerable members of society” while serving as “a role model for women and all those who come from modest backgrounds.”
Criminal Law Speed-Meet
By Joannie Jacob, 4L, Criminal Law McGill/Droit Criminel McGill
On Tuesday November 1st, from 6 to 8pm, the Atrium was animated by the presence of thirty and some students, three judges, one Commissaire à la déontologie policière, two federal prosecutors, three provincial prosecutors, one municipal court prosecutor, 3 private defense lawyers, and one legal aid lawyer. All of these wonderful people were brought together to attend the second edition of the Criminal Law McGill 6 to 8 Speed-Meet. The event was aiming to offer a networking opportunity for McGill students interested in criminal law, and a chance for them to ask questions about the specific experiences of various criminal law practioners in an accessible environment. The activity had received great feedback last year and it was a success again its year, slowly establishing it as a new tradition at McGill.
Le succès de cet événement est dû d’abord à la générosité des individus travaillant en droit criminel à Montréal. Ceux-ci démontrent une passion pour leur travail qui est fort inspirante et ils n’ont pas hésité à donner de leur temps pour partager leur expérience avec les étudiants. Deuxièmement, un grand nombre d’étudiants à McGill sont intéressé ou curieux à l’égard du droit criminel. Bien que le droit criminel n’a pas été au centre des activités de la Faculté, je crois que l’importance de cette manière y est de plus en plus reconnue, comme le démontre le nombre accru de cours en droit criminel qui sera offert en hiver 2012. De plus, l’intérêt des étudiants a permis de faire de Droit Criminel McGill un groupe étudiant avec une équipe exécutive dévouée (Chelsea Moore, Louis-Nicolas Gauthier, Rowan Kunitz et moi-même) et un grand nombre de membres étudiants.
Thank you to all the guests who came: The Honorable Patrick Healy, The Honorable Allan Hilton, The Honorable Richard Starck, le cabinet Shadley Battista, Me Robert Israel, Me Isabelle Haché, Me Nathalie Pépin, Me Isabelle Schurman, Me Geneviève Boutet, Me Anne-Marie Manoukian, Me Marie-Claire Emond, Me Rachel Pitre, Me Maurice Cloutier and Me Dennis Galiatsatos. Thank you as well to Dean Jutras who attended the event.