Alumni profile: Supreme Court Justice Clément Gascon

Supreme Court of Canada Justice Clément Gascon closed orientation week activities with a moving speech to students about the world of possibilities before...
22 September 2014

Ça roule! 45 kilomètres au profit de la Clinique juridique Tyndale

Le dimanche 7 septembre, le soleil était au rendez-vous pour la 6e édition de randonnée à vélo Christie, attirant une cinquantaine d’étudiants, d’amis...
22 September 2014

Frosh refresh

McGill Law welcomed this year’s incoming students with a new approach to orientation.
22 September 2014

A summer around the world with McGill Law students

As students return from internship season, six veteran Law interns share their experiences and lessons learned.
22 September 2014

Summer in Shantou

The Faculty’s partnership with Shantou University Law School in Guangdong province in China grew again in 2014.
22 September 2014

Justine Brien et Simone Cavanagh

Justine Brien and Simone Cavanagh with fellow delegates at the New Canada Conference in PEI Please briefly describe where you worked this summer...
21 September 2014

Erica Sanders

Please briefly describe where you worked this summer and what you did. This summer I interned at the International Court of Arbitration of...
19 September 2014

Sarah Munsch

Sarah Munsch with her fellow ICTY interns at the Hague What did you do this summer? I interned at the International Criminal Tribunal...
19 September 2014

Pierrick Rouat

Please briefly describe where you worked this summer and what you did. Cet été j'ai travaillé avec Avocats sans frontières Canada (ASFC). Mon expérience...
19 September 2014

Moses Gashirabake

What did you do this summer? In mid-July, I travelled to Sydney, Australia as part of a four-member Young Diplomats of Canada delegation to the 2014 Group...
19 September 2014

The 6th edition of the Faculty's popular "Think Ahead / Une pensée d'avance" continuing legal education seminars kicks off on Wednesday, October 29,...
19 September 2014

OpEd: Ottawa must view sex work through a bigger lens

Robert Leckey in the September 9, 2014, Globe and Mail: "Ottawa must view sex work through a bigger lens." A law based on...
10 September 2014